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Okay, my techy, hubby found something from another blog in regards to clearing ALL of your “stuff” that really either you don’t’ use or can’t fit into anymore. This particular blog states, that if you just “throw” one thing a day this will give you an incentive to get your house in order! The key to this, is that YOU have to be really discipline to get rid of them. So, since he has started, (yesterday – see his blog) he has gotten rid of 2 things and has done a marvelous job in getting our bedroom patio looking neat!

We are going to do this, as I have a lot of papers about and just need to sort them out in a pile and the rest I can throw out! I think this idea is great…or as hubby calls it, his ‘project’.

Check out hubby blog and let me know what you think. So, let’s all do this and maybe we can get our house in order!

Also, don’t forget to TUNE IN to NAB RADIO! We are getting lots more of wonderfully talented Indie artists every day! You might just hear a music or song that you liked and didn’t know it!

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