1st weekend off!

WOW!!! Its finally made it….worked out my schedules between the 3 jobs, and I finally got a weekend off!!! WOW!! Its unbelievable really, to be able to get the weekend all to myself, do housework, caught up on stuff at the house, like you know the usual; laundry, ironing…etc…well, the ironing bit, is not quite caught up, but it will be after I finish this post.


I hope everyone is enjoying their day off and tomorrow is brand new week to start all over again!! I know some of you have kids that are off for the summer, and some of you are out on vacation with the kids somewhere fun and lots of sun! Hope that is a safe summer holiday for some of you with small children….as for me, work, work, ….but do play in between, just need to sneak a few here and there of course…

Well, back to finishing up the laundry, and ironing…have a blessed, safe weekend and the coming week!!


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