Attack Your Allergies from Every Angle ~


This is the list that REAL AGE has put together to combat your allergy. Hope this helps everyone and be ready for the allergy attack! This is the step-by-step guide. Use it to lay the groundwork for your own, personalized allergy-control plan:

Partner with your doctor. Solid allergy relief won’t come from a single visit to your doctor. Only a long-term relationship with your doctor will do — one in which you proactively track and share your symptoms, ask the right questions, and follow-up if you’re not getting the relief you need.

Get allergy-tested — even if you’ve been tested before. Your allergy triggers can change with time.

Avoid your triggers. It’s impossible to avoid all your triggers, but you should try. Minimizing exposure is the best way to prevent symptoms from flaring. Use these tips to avoid dust mites, pet dander, and mold:

This is just some of the suggestion from Dr. Mehmet Oz:

Use special 1-micron or latex covers for all pillows and mattresses to keep dust mites from sneaking out of the bed (these are sold commonly as “hypoallergenic dust-mite protectors”). They should zip, not just wrap or stretch around like a cover sheet.

Dust, sweep, and vacuum at least once a week, including curtains, blinds, and vents. Whenever possible, use HEPA (high-efficiency particulate air) filters, which pick up even the smallest microns of dust and trap cat and dog dander. Change them four times a year.

Fill your home with air-filtering plants. Plants such as Ficus, snake plants, and gerbera daisies help clean your air by removing carbon monoxide, formaldehyde, and other indoor air pollutants. Ask your local plant store for other suggestions.

If you have severe allergies, you may want to consider hardwood floors instead of carpet in your home.

Follow your medication plan. That includes sticking with any over-the-counter or prescription medications for as long as your doctor recommends.

Live a healthy lifestyle. Kick bad habits, such as smoking, drinking too much alcohol, or eating inflammation-inducing junk food.

Don’t forget the TLC.  Saline sprays, neti pots, humidifier, and other self-care remedies provide extra layers of allergy-symptom relief, so don’t skip this step.


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