

I’m not sure that if you’ve not had this, you should try it.  It’s really spicy but its soo good as well! Take a chance and try new things! Come on it can’t be that bad… why not be adventurous and give it a try? If you like spicy food, this will heat you up! ENJOY!!  I dare you all to try this recipe and give me your feedback!

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Bopis – Authentic Filipino Food

Bopis is a spicy Filipino dish made out of pork lungs and heart sautéed in tomatoes, chilies and onions.

Bopis recipe is a unique Filipino food traditionally prepared from assorted pig parts. These assorted parts are usually the heart, kidneys, lungs, and intestines.

Bopis recipe is a unique Filipino food traditionally prepared from assorted pig parts. These assorted parts are usually the heart, kidneys, lungs, and intestines.

Bopis Recipe Ingredients:

* 1 kg. pork heart
* 1 kg. pork lung
* 1 whole garlic
* 1 large onion
* 1 red bell pepper
* 3 siling labuyo (hot pepper) (optional)
* 1/2 cup vinegar
* 1 pack amatto (atsuete)
* 1 tsp. black ground pepper
* 2 tsp. cooking oil
* Salt or patis for taste

How To Cook Bopis – Cooking Instructions:

1). Rinse pork heart and lung and boil on low to medium heat for approximately 30 to 45 minutes and until tender (poke the heart with a fork or a knife – if the fork or knife no longer stick inside the meat, the meat is tender).

2). Chop pork heart and lung into cubes

3). Prepare other ingredients:
– Garlic – minced
– Onion – cubed
– Bell pepper – cubed

4). On a wok or frying pan, heat cooking oil and place garlic until brown, onion and cubed pork heart

5). Add salt or patis (fish sauce) to taste

6). Add amatto or atsuete and saute

7). Pour vinegar and let simmer for 10 to 15 minutes (do not stir)

8). ower heat to low and let boil until vinegar is cooked (you can tell when vinegar is cooked by tasting the sauce. If it tastes like vinegar is still a bit strong, it’s not cooked yet)

9). Add bell pepper and siling labuyo

For more hotter feel, you can add hot pepper. This dish is ideal with hot rice or a sort of pulutan.

Comments (1)

HitokihoshiJanuary 28th, 2011 at 10:10

apart from kinilaw and sisig, i also like bopis.and it is glad to know that Filipino created this recipe or mastered by Filipino cooks. sarap!

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