Today we took a nice drive to see the only Tea Plantation her North America and its right here at our own back yard!! If you want know how tea is made, go to Charleston Tea Plantation
Have you ever see a Tea Bush? It’s one of nature miracle and its here in Charleston Tea Plantation, America’s only tea garden, there are hundreds of thousands of tea bushes in the fields. When we were there today, of course, its Sunday and no one was working the machine at you watch the video telling you the process of making tea…but if you plan to go and see the only tea garden in america, come to the Charleston Tea Plantation and taste the American Classic Tea and visit the gift shop for fine china of tea sets. The people are quite nice and where can you go for free??!! Of course, make sure you take lots photos, and if you want to ride on a classic trolley car, for a small donation or you can walk around the Grand Oaks…its up to you, or take a picture of Mr Frog with his big umbrella and a cup of tea…. 🙂
It was the most relaxing drive going there as the scenery was beautiful, serene and enjoyed it greatly! We will be planning to go back sometime in October, before the Tea goes to sleep for the winter…to see it bloom, it has the most beautiful flower and I really would like to go back. Of course, I want to buy a set of Tea that I have my eye on of course!! 😀
Its quite easy to find, its on Maybank Hwy and I never knew that it was such a nice drive…hubby sometimes loves to surprise me…of course, tis not his first time there, as he took his parent when they were here visiting from England, and I never knew there was one…so we went today and glad that we did and we will returning again when its bloom time for time for the tea plants. I took some photos of the beautiful Oaks as you can see.
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