Chicken Adobo With Coconut Milk


Now, am not sure if I’ve had this before and if I did, don’t remember…but it sounds yummy though and would love to try it.

Adobong Manok Sa Gata or Chicken Adobo With Coconut Milk is another variant or way of cooking the famous Filipino food; chicken adobo. In this recipe, the traditional and world famous chicken adobo is made more delicious and even more tastier by adding gata or coconut milk.

Chicken Adobo with Coconut Milk Recipe Ingredients:

* 1 kilo chicken; cut into desired pieces
* 1 tablespoon garlic; minced
* 1 clove garlic; crushed
* 1 small onion; minced
* 1 potato; quartered (optional)
* 1 bell pepper; sliced (optional)
* 2 cups rice water
* 1/2 cup vinegar
* 1 cup thick coconut milk
* Fish sauce (patis)
* 2 bay leaves
* Salt to taste
* Cooking oil

Chicken Adobo with Coconut Milk Cooking Procedure:

1). Sauté minced garlic and onion in oil, in a saucepan.

2). Add the chicken and stir-fry with fish sauce to taste until light brown in color.

3). Add rice water, vinegar, crushed garlic, ginger, bay leaves. Bring to a boil and simmer until chicken becomes tender.

4). Add coconut milk. Simmer until a saucy and consistency is achieved.

5). Season with salt according to taste. Serve hot.

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