Daily Secret Stories


Here are some great stories of how the secret worked for them. Maybe this will give you encouragement in whatever situation that you might find yourself in all walks of life. I truly believe in the Secret and apply it to my daily life. Hope this helps you with any situation that you are in.

The first story is from KC, Sunnyvale, CA:

My life begun when I discovered The Secret.

When I look back on my past life, I can hardly believe I am now the same person. I am so happy and at peace! It was not always this way. I was blind to my good for over 30 years.

As a little girl, I was raped hundreds of times by my father. I developed epilepsy (I think as a way to escape). I became a social outcast. My mother was in and out of mental hospitals her whole life, and my home for a while was an old station wagon we parked at the city dump. … Read more

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