Gavin Mikhail

Help this wonderful artist! He’s very talented and you need to assist him in getting his wish and check out his music! You’ll love it!

Gavin Gavin


Two free downloads for you!
Hey – how are you? I saw the comment you left me recently and just wanted to say thanks. Very cool of you. There’s something I could really use your help with and I thought I’d offer you free downloads if you’d help out (two songs that aren’t available on iTunes yet :). I’m in a contest right now and if I win, I get to record my next album in the UK at my favorite artist’s studio! Each person is allowed 10 votes, and it takes less than a minute to vote 10 times. If you’re up for it, here’s how to vote and get your free downloads:

1. Go to:
2. In the ‘Where’ box at the top of the page, type in your state or country and click ‘Search’
3. Find your city in the list, and click the yellow button next to it
4. Put in your email address, year of birth, and the anti-spam code
5. Click ‘Join’
6. Hit “Back” on your browser until you’re at the page showing your state/country again
7. Click the yellow button for the next closest city to you
8. Click ‘Join’
9. Repeat steps 6-8 up to eight more times!

That’s it! To get your free downloads once you’ve voted, click HERE and send the email that pops up. Your downloads will be delivered to your email in the next 10 minutes!

If you’re curious to see the contest standings, go to:

Thank you so much for listening to my music and voting. This contest is a HUGE deal to me, so please know how much I appreciate your help.


PS – If you forward this to your friends to vote as well, I’ll love you for life. I swear it. 🙂

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