Gripe…TV’s in public places

Okay, hubby is not a fan of TV at all, he will watch if there is something interesting and entertaining or worth watching.  I like to watch telly, and I do have my fav shows like, all the CSI’s, Charmed (when they were on – reruns not), Shark, Ghost Whisperer – but I usually don’t have the chance to watch them, I might catch them in reruns like Spike or A&E…

I have not noticed any where here in the Post Office any television while you wait in line? But hubbys says in some places there are…well I know for a fact, when you go to either a car place, in the waiting room its a TV while you wait for your car to be either worked or fixed…Doctor’s offices, Hospital waiting rooms, any place that has a waiting room, there is a television… what does it suppose to do? Keep up busy watching and forget why we are there? I have no clue or answer, but maybe some of you out there has some opinion as to why?

Let me hear from you and maybe we can get an answer of sorts…in the meantime, Be Safe and be happy, life too short to worry about anything else… :o)

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