Happy Birthday Dad!!
I guess its part of growing up and you’re set in your ways and just as stubborn as I am. I may not say it often, and we don’t see you and Mom as often either, but I love you both very much and I remember all the fun times we had as a family growing up.
I know that you and Mom had your differences, but we were always a family and I remember all the “summer vacations” trips we took as a family when we were all little and saw the whole West Coast!! Even California, up/down the coast and all around! We had a blast and I will always remember those times and wished that I could do that with my son.
Adam has grown to be a handsome young man (must be in the gene pool) and hopefully will do great things as you have expected from all your children. You’re one smart man and I know that I’ve learned a lot growing up but didn’t know it at that time; but as I look back in my own life, you did teach me a great deal. I just want to thank you for all the things you’ve done for us and all the things you taught us.
Yes, even if we thought we “knew” it all!! As I am finding out with my own son, so in the end, I guess I am passing down what you’ve taught me to try to teach my son. I hope I do as a great job as you and Mom did with all of us. I miss you both terribly and I know you were both hoping that I would make it down this year for your 50th…regretfully, obligations deemed not to be this year, but we are hoping to see you both soon!!
I love you Dad and Have a wonderful birthday.
Love Always, Your Eldest Daughter,
Kathy 🙂