Hunger in Philippines

This clip will either make you feel sick or sad and hopefully try to do something about it. I agree that the politicians running the country should stop all that corruption and start helping the people and make it a better place. There are alot of us that have been given an opportunity to be able to go to study abroad and learn and bring it back to help our country to be the best that we all know that it can be.

We are a proud, family oriented people and help each other. If we all work together to turn it around and maybe give some of the bigger country “big wigs” a run for their money. Why do we let “foreigners” take over, when we are or some of us are alot smarter and we can help our own people.

Let me know of what you think of this video, lets do something about it. There are hunger all around the world but let’s do something in our own backyard first. I know there are a few that is trying to do something about it, why not give them a hand.

Comments (1)

Skip One MealAugust 12th, 2010 at 13:20

I just came across your blog “PAGPAG” is very painful.
I have a twitter post now:

“PAGPAG” GARBAGE RECYCLED FOOD – Filipino children feed on Salmonella, Staphylococcus, E.Coli Stop wastage of food!

Lets join hands across the Globe to fight hunger.

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