My Dad

Jose Jacop ReyesI can’t believe that it has been over one year ago that my Dad left us. I still miss him terribly and still grieving the loss, as I still feel that I’ve had my “closure”. I cry still – when I see something, tears just roll down my face. Can’t help it and I worry alot about my Mom and send her text every other day just to say “I love you”

I really don’t know how to explain it in words…when i was very little, my grandmother (Dad’s mom) died and we had a gathering at her house and in those days, the boy was displayed in your home and people pay their respect and then proceed to the burial grounds…didn’t know anything and my Mom said that Lola was in heaven with Lolo – to a child that didn’t comprehend as I “saw” her sleeping?

Am sure there a lot of people out there that lost loved ones, and eventually move on, but I still sad…I have moved on per say, but still miss my Dad and that there sooo many things that we didn’t get to talk about…ya know?

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