TAX!! April 15th

Well, today, i sat down and did my taxes… it was aggrevating, as one of the employers NEVER sent me my W2 and have called the IRS and i’ve never received them! So now, I have to fill out some form to “Guesstimate” how much I paid and made and etc…..

All of you know that when its tax season… its crunch time and everyone is rushing off to get their done by the 15th April which happens to fall on Friday this year and its also payday for me!!! But alas, its gone! GOtta make more money ….

Ok.. so tomorrow, am going down to the library to see someone will able to check them to make sure that i’ve done them correctly and whatever pennies i do get back…

Hope y’all have a wonderful day and TOMORROW is HUMP DAY!! 😀

Comments (4)

eyebee – Cranford, Middlesex, UK – What can I say?
EyebeeApril 15th, 2005 at 03:56

It’s always tomorrow here. Kat always has the HUMP anyhow 🙂

eyebee – Cranford, Middlesex, UK – What can I say?
EyebeeApril 14th, 2005 at 22:56

It’s always tomorrow here. Kat always has the HUMP anyhow 🙂

Katkimjac – United Kingdom
KatApril 17th, 2005 at 03:23

hahahaha…. I DO NOT! besides… wed is always hump day… 😀

Katkimjac – United Kingdom
KatApril 16th, 2005 at 22:23

hahahaha…. I DO NOT! besides… wed is always hump day… 😀

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