Update on life

Okay, I’ve been a bit slack for the past few weeks now and it already OCTOBER!! Where did September go?? Anyone see where it went!! WOW, time just seems to whizzz on by …

Nothing really is different life here in the south, except just keeping on working to keep a roof over me head and eating, sleeping…we’ve had to slow down on our social life lately as it just not feasible to be able to go to all and also the $$ is tight! We’ve tighten our belt and its hardly breathable….

But we do a bit of something, like tomorrow is our Photograph group..we had an assignment which the theme for this month “Long”…I’ve taken some shots…but not alot so will just try to put something together (now you know I’ve just recently taking pics since hubby bought me a camera of me own) and we got the Palmetto Series every other Thursday and this weekend is a picnic at Wannamaker Park…so that should be a lot of fun!

Well, I will try to post more interesting stuff here but right now, I do need to get this ol’e broad to bed, as she got to get up at 5am!! long day!!

Hope y’all come back and check the blog out… I will try my best to keep it interesting…


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