Update: Shoulder/Arm


Hello peeps, HAPPY EASTER!!  and hope that everyone had a wonderful Easter! The weather here (UK) for the Easter weekend was not exactly what we hoped for, but it was still a nice rainy, sunny day and cold of course!

Okay about my shoulder, I have started my physio and my 2nd visit was just last week, and it was murder, but Chris my physiotherapist was happy of my improvement from the 1st visit and he worked me over.. pain and more pain.. before we began he did ask me if I took my pain pills and I said no, not yet but after this, I will be going home and taking them!

He gave me more exercises (2 more with bands) and I am slowly getting back my left shoulder to where it is, but still a long way to go yet! I just have to keep moving and I am not really wearing my sling as such, only if it really,  really hurting will I put my sling on.

At work, I do bring the sling just in case, but trying to work as normal as I have in the past, is helping me get my left shoulder/arm working. So the physio will continue, my next visit is next week (30/04/2014)….TBC 🙂

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