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Unconscionable Police Raid on Family’s Home and Organic Food Co-Op

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I could not fathom why they did that and I read the blog from and I was totally outrage to hear that they did that illegally! The FDA is getting pissed off cuz the majority of people want to stop eating shit that they put on the food and we want to eat HEALTHY! so we choose to be in a CO-OP so that we know what we are eating is good for us. I’m just really totally mad and I hope that the Ohio Department of Agriculture and the Ohio Government pay this family back to what they’ve done illegally in the first place!

You will be upset when you read this and see this video, please people let’s put a stop to this, there are more people starving around the world and right in our back door!

The Influence

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Check these guys out on NAB Radio – this video was taken in Colorado and the song is not yet released! So y’all been privilege to have a listen and watch the video!