Living In A Community…

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It’s been awhile since I’ve updated you on the going on here. For one, we are finished with our renovation and just a few things that we are doing now. All the roofs, sidings, are done and painted. Our community hguttersas a new look! Check it out here to see how it looks now…Woodhill Place


There is still lots of work to be done and one of them is the gutters are being installed around the community and its in process as you can see from the image to the right. We have finished with 6 buildings and the constructor that we’ve hired to do the job is moving along to do the rest of the buildings. He has also helped us put together and put a new fence/gate for our Pool! We have a new gate and we are just awaiting for Sonitrol to install our new security system in place for the Pool gate!

WARNING! Be Careful Who You Add on Facebook or any other media…

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I got sent this article regarding as to who you add to any social media account you may have, whether it be Facebook, MySpace, etc…make sure you know who they are! Some scammers and con artists are out there so be AWARE not to give out too much info. Be sure that you check them out and if you don’t know who they are…Here is the article written by Mike Elgan for Computer World….

Elgan: Why you can’t trust ‘friends’ on Facebook
Facebook is popular and growing — especially with criminals. Here’s why they love it.

Every form of communication, from snail-mail to e-mail, chat and others, is subject to fraud and scams. But social networks like Facebook are subject to new, more dangerous opportunities for fraud….Read More


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Wishing everyone a very HAPPY THANKSGIVING FROM my home to yours!!

Love from the Mays!
