I saw this article from researching about Philippines news, going on…and I happen to run across an article that Danilo Reyes wrote and found that why do we still have somebody in the government that was part of the regime – the Marcos Regime?  Now, a lot of filipino suffered and “disappeared” and were afraid in speaking out. I have endured many jokes in regards to this and to read this article on this person… it really disgust me that we’ve not learned our lesson.  WE need to unite and stand together and speak out; let our voices be heard…I don’t’ want to end up like Cuba.!!  Here is the article…

Enrile’s grim past casts a long shadow

Hong Kong, China — Three decades ago, no one would have thought the once-hated man who orchestrated martial rule in the Philippines would become its third most powerful leader. Sen. Juan Ponce Enrile, the 84-year-old former defense minister and martial law administrator during the regime of the late dictator Ferdinand Marcos, was elected Senate president last week, a position third in succession of power from the president….read more

I hope that we wont’ let this happen again we need to start speaking out. He should have NEVER be back in power….he does more harm than good… come on, WAKE UP!!

Day Before Thanksgiving

Here I am, sitting here and thinking, I have to do some cooking today for tomorrow or I could do it tomorrow early…but then again, If I cook them now, all I need to do is re-heat it.

What can we be thankful for? With the economic in chaos and people struggling just to make ends meet…well, I guess I’m thankful that my son is doing is healthy, hubby and I are fine (sort of) and have each other to talk to and friends that I’ve met since my return to the US and we’ve celebrated 3 Thanksgiving since then…

I miss my family during the holiday season, as I am accustomed to being with them on this occasion; I come from a very large family.  On my mother side, we are growing by generations, that my Aunt has made a mailing list for all of us to keep in touch; we are all spread throughout the globe! On my father side its also a large family and I have just started communication with them recently as I lost contact with them.  My parents have retired to the Philippines and one of my cousin (on Dad side), found me thru this blog and I am so glad that he did that he has connected me to my other cousins; we all went to the same school when we were younger! The last time I saw them was when i was still in high school!

So in this prelude to the day of Turkey day…hope that you all have a wonderful gatherings with your family and friends all around!

…just a few days before the big day!

Okay everyone, I am really getting the hang on writing on here.  I am not the greatest writer, as I have hated English ever since I was a school age where you had to write…the English language is not that easy, and sometimes, my grammar really gets me…so I always have my work proof read, 2x..just so that you all understand what I am trying to say…

Its just a few days left till the Turkey day is here.  We will be going to our neighbors and it seems like a tradition now, as this is our 3rd time (she cooks and I bring a 2 dishes)…well, some of you will be having turkey, but this lot doesn’t really like turkey, so she has splurge to make Prime Rib with all the thanksgiving fixins’ and of course we couldn’t go with out my Green Bean Casserole and my Ambrosia (fruit salad).

We are still thinking of going to another friend’s house the day after, where she is fixin the whole Turkey dinner thing…hmmmm…we will have to get back to you on that….

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