A Secret Scrolls message from Rhonda Byrne
Creator of The Secret
From The Secret Daily Teachings
Each of us is attracting in every moment of our lives. So when you feel that the law isn’t working for you because you don’t have what you want, realize that the law is responding to you. You are either attracting what you want or you are attracting the absence of what you want.
The law is still working.
May the joy be with you,
Rhonda Byrne
The Secret… joy for billions

Interesting article… 🙂 you must be able to see the signs if you are very observant.
1. He Sounds a Little Funny
Liars are sometimes called “fast talkers,” but the speed of their speech varies as much as an honest person’s within a conversation. Yet liars will alter their speech rates within a single sentence. Typically a liar might begin to speak slowly, because he’s trying to figure out his lie—but once it comes into his head, he tries to spit it out as fast as possible.
Pace isn’t the only speech pattern that can trip up a deceiver. Research has shown that a person’s vocal tone will waiver from baseline in up to 95 percent of all deceptive statements. If your partner’s baritone is on the rise, you may be facing a fib.
2. He Slips a Verbal Clue
Remembering the truth about what happened Saturday and the story he wants you to believe is a big mental burden. Many liars will buckle under the strain and make a verbal faux pas, like start-stop sentences (“There are many that I didn’t—I hardly had any contact with her.”), using past and present tenses in the same story or repeating your question rather than answering it.
Even if he doesn’t stumble, his sentences could signal deception: Studies have shown that liars tend to drop pronouns from their speech, as a way to verbally distance themselves from the lie. “I got up this morning, I called my mother, went to work, grabbed a bite with Jim.” The person used two pronouns up front and then dropped them afterward—why? There may be more to his story than he’s letting on.
3. His Face Flashes Contempt
Nearly 50 years ago, a researcher discovered that all humans share seven microexpressions—universal ways that emotions are hard-wired to flash across our faces. Whether you’re male or female, black or white, young or old, if you’re surprised, you make the same fleeting expression. These microexpressions are impossible to fake—which makes spotting one the closest thing we have to mind reading.
Contempt—a feeling of moral superiority and disrespect—is one of the most dangerous microexpressions for a relationship: Contempt shows up as a half-smile smirk, with only one side of the mouth raised. It signals, “I’ve justified my lie. I’m getting away with it. You’re a fool.” Researchers can see contempt on chronic cheaters who think they’re too smart to get caught.
4. His Body Is Trying to Run and Hide
Unless someone is incredibly savvy in body language, you can tell where he wants to be in a conversation. People align their belly buttons with the objects of their interest. If he started the conversation with his navel pointed straight at you, and now his body is twisted toward the door, he is aching to leave—that couldindicate a hot spot for deception.
When a liar is faced with questions he doesn’t want to answer, he may unwittingly cover his eyes, mouth or entire face with his hand, arm or a pair of sunglasses in a subconscious attempt to disappear. Pinocchio may start to squint, as if trying to block you from seeing the truth. Just be sure to put body-blocking behavior in perspective—your husband’s baseball cap pulled down low isn’t a red flag if he wears it every day.
5. He Makes You Feel Off-Balance
Practiced liars are uniquely able to distort reality and make us feel like the floor is shifting underneath us, that something odd is afoot, but we just can’t put our finger on it. He may spout false information with such conviction that it makes you start to question your own recollections. This particular type of manipulation is called “gas-lighting.” Standard gas-lighter lines include, “I never said that—stop making things up,” “How come you are always accusing me of horrible things?” and “What is wrong with you? You are so paranoid.” If you get to the end of a conversation and wonder, “Hey, wait a second, what just happened?”—remember that as a generally trusting person, you are a great gauge of dishonesty. Give yourself permission to follow those whiffs of suspicion and to investigate further.
July 22nd,2014
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Okay, its that time of the season the tourist all around the globe to come to this side of the pond, but this caution can be applied anywhere in the world that you are travelling to. The pamphlet is all around the underground, where I pick one up, when we went into Central London to play tourist and do the usual sightseeing. This booklet was put together by the Metropolitan Police and TFL (Transport For London). You can pick this anywhere in the underground stations.
!BE AWARE! WATCH OUT FOR PICK POCKETS ~ PROTECT YOURSELF. Thieves operate in crowds and busy places and can work alone or as part of a team.
Police are working to reduce theft and pickpocket offenses on London’s transport network.
Thieves, often called pickpockets, use a range of tactics to distract you in order to steal from your bag, rucksack (book bag) and pockets. The following tactics are the most common used by thieves:
! ~ THE CONCEALED HAND ~ The pickpocket uses a an item, such as a newspaper, coat or bag to conceal their actions whilst they pickpocket the passenger. – see this video: http://youtu.be/ve9kz7IVIVk
! ~ THE DISTRACTION ~ Working as a team, one pickpocket approaches the victim and asks them for directions using a map as a distraction. The second pickpocket uses this opportunity to steal from the victim whilst they are distracted. – see this video: http://youtu.be/ZXS8Lj4M1N4
! ~ THE STALL ~ When boarding a bus the person in front of the victim deliberately stalls to cause an “artificial queue”. This allows the person behind the victim to take advantage of the close proximity and steal from the victim. – see this video: http://youtu.be/u77gxbe-zyo
! ~ THE EASY DIP ~ A bag hangs on the back of the pram. Whilst the mother is distracted by her child, the pickpocket seizes the opportunity to take the bag or items inside, such as a purse or mobile phone. – see this video: http://youtu.be/q0_P9_QHYrk
! ~ THE GRABBER ~ The victim sits in a seat close to the doors or the bus and places their bag on the floor besides them. The pickpocket notices that the victim is not paying attention to their bag. The loiter by the bag waiting for the bus to stop and as the doors open they take the bag and make a quick getaway.- see this video: http://youtu.be/80hg750J__c
! ~ THE BANK FOLLOW OFF ~ The victim is queuing at a bus stop after going to a cash point/bank. The pickpocket(s) have watched the victim and target them as they know they have a quantity of cash on them.
! ~ THE SNATCH ~ The victim is using their mobile phone and is unaware of their surroundings, the suspect takes advantage of the distracted victim and snatches the phone from their hand before making off. – see all the video: http://youtu.be/VWnrvUIrfVE
This is another video from Rick Steves – http://youtu.be/IR6Mq55xFrU – Thank you to all that made the videos; Rick Steves and The British Transport Police.
There are many more information in regarding to your travels worldwide, the message is always the same, be aware of your surroundings and be alert! Always be prepared and never leave your bag open always have it closed or zipped up. Never show your cash and as always, BE AWARE!! BE ALERT!!
June 4th,2014
Interesting Facts,
What Kat did... | tags:
British Transport Police,
concealed hand,
London Transport For London,
mobile phone,
video |
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