Living in the Community…

Well guess what they’ve done all the buildings and they are working on my building (the LAST one) and we will be closing the loan and we can move on to the next in our agenda.  It had to happen sooner than later, but I stuck it out this far and I just can’t do it anymore….I’ve relinquished the responsibility of the Construction Loan Account – just too much and especially if a member of the board is a F*$&^ lazy ass cow that don’t want to do anything…spineless piece of dang…he can take the responsibility and be accountable for it as well!

Well, as always, the 2 other board members took it upon themselves to get the checkbooks and other paper work, but did we hear anyhthing from the other member? Of course this person shall be nameless for while, but if he makes a angry again….

The buildings are looking wonderful and we are now concentrating on doing the landscaping and the paving of our roads….this community will be a wonderful place and its starting to be there…soonest!

I think I’ve put some pics up, but will take more pictures soon.  We are having our meeting next month, for the closing of the loan and the a full report from the PM of course and then we will annouce that we will only have meeting Quarterly….its moving on as planned i think….

So keep coming back and stay tuned to the next drama…cuz we got lots of it and its better than the soaps! LOL….

Have a wonderful evening everyone and stay tuned to the next saga…. 😀

Charleston Women Social Group

Charleston Women Social

Ok, I joined a women’s group – only to make new friends and networking for my business.  There are a lot that is recenlty moved here from another state…and they all seem to love Charleston, SC – maybe its the weather? you think? Some come from cold, cold weather, and we never have a “seasons” here, just heat, and heat and humidity!

Well, went to my first meet up – it was dinner at the Madra Rua, Old North Charleston, SC – a very big turn out and it was good time.  Even if we didn’t get to all seat together.  I took some photos of the ladies and don’t ask who they are, as I don’t remember any or didn’t get to meet all of them either! 

The only people that i know, was Kathi, the organizer and Sharon Gile, who invited to come to her house for drinks before dinner.

Sharon Gile

Palmetto Acoustic Series!

Oh what fun time was had tonight at the Palmetto Acoustic Series – Thursday, July 31st –  held at Muddy Waters on West Ashley! Tonight it was Kev Rowe and The Barnard Sisters!

It was an exciting as usual, as this is my 2nd time coming to this venue (hubby is part of the group that put it together – Palmetto Acoustic Series).

It was truly an enjoyable evening and the coffee and ambiance! It was again a full house and standing room only, luckily we got there early enough that we got good seats for the event!

The Barnard Sister with Madeline organizer for Palmetto Acoustic Series

The Barnard Sisters

Here’s some images of that show….

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