Mild, aromatic, and healthful, this classic French dish is excellent with salmon cakes. This was published at Oprah Magazine, Thank you again for sharing Oprah!
Servings: Serves 4–6
- 6 medium leeks (white and light green part only), split and halved lengthwise
- 3 cloves garlic
- 3 lemons
- 8 sprigs thyme , plus more for garnish (optional)
- Salt and freshly ground pepper
- 1 tsp. Dijon mustard
- 6 Tbsp. extra-virgin extra-virgin olive oil
Place leeks in a large bowl of cold water; let soak 30 minutes until free of grit.
Meanwhile, in a large soup pot, combine 4 quarts cold water, garlic, juice of 2 lemons, thyme, and 1 1/2 tablespoons salt. Bring to a boil over high heat. Reduce heat, and simmer about 30 minutes (while leeks soak).
Remove leeks from water; add to cooking liquid. Poach until tender, 15 to 20 minutes. Drain and pat dry.
Combine juice of last lemon and mustard in a small bowl (reserving lemon slices for garnish, optional). Whisk in olive oil, then toss over leeks. Season with 1/2 teaspoon salt and 1/4 teaspoon pepper; top with thyme and lemon slices (if using).
May 26th,2014
Healthy Eating,
Recipes | tags:
cloves garlic,
soup pot,
virgin olive oil,
water |
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For those that needs help, here is one of Jafree Ozwald – enlightenment.
1. I am ONLY taking inspired actions in my life. I only do that which inspires me and makes me feel happier, lighter and more free!
2. I always replace worry with wonder, and this will make my life “wonder-full”
3. I immediately cancel and replace heavy thoughts that arise like I….”should”, “could”, “would”, “have to”, “must”, “need to” and “I’ve got to”. Instead of these heavy thoughts, I think and feel thoughts like, “I want to”, “I get to”, “I’d like to”, “I’d love to” “I can” “I will” “I am!”
4. I accept myself, approve and appreciate myself exactly as I am no matter what the situation or experience I’m going through.
5. I explore each experience in life (especially those I have trouble with) with a gentle, compassionate, conscious childlike curiosity.
6. I am independent of the good and bad opinions of others.
7. I remain centered and at peace with myself the world, even when others are not.
8. I think and speak only positive empowering things about others and about myself in a way they can easily feel and understand.
9. I exercise, meditate, eat healthy, and get enough sleep at least 6 days a week.
10. I create loving long-term relationships that are fulfilling. I always keep my heart open to fully experience every person and situation that comes my way.
11. I have healthy boundaries with the demands of others and can simply and effortlessly say NO when I feel taken advantage of or dis-empowered in any way
12. I am 100% committed to these amazing life transformational commitments for the next 90 days!
May 24th,2014
What Kat did... | tags:
vibration |
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I try to have eggs everyday, but sometimes, laziness creeps in especially when you are working and don’t have time to eat a proper breakfast! I will try these as need to lose the weight that I gained back after I fractured my left shoulder/arm! Thanks goes to Livestrong magazine for this tips. I do one of them but now will try to incorporate the rest of the check-list.
Here Are the Top 5 Reasons Why Eggs Can Get You Lean and Flat Abs:
1. Eggs Keep You Full
It’s a no-brainer that the biggest enemy to a nice-looking waistline is overeating. Protein helps keep you fuller longer, which means overeating is easier to avoid when you eat whole eggs to stave off hunger. Don’t think of eggs as only a breakfast fixture, but as a great snack food to hold you over between meals. Coupling hard-boiled eggs with high-fiber fruit and vegetables will help your stomach stay satisfied which will keep you from grabbing an unplanned bite to eat. Plus the protein and fat combination in eggs decreases levels of hunger-signaling hormones and increases levels of fullness-stimulating hormones. The protein in eggs also causes your body to release the hormone glucagon, which helps your body to use stored carbohydrates and fat.
2. Lean Protein
You’ve heard it before: “You are what you eat.” Lean protein on your plate begets lean muscle on your body and muscle burns fat. An egg weighs in with an impressive 6 grams of protein and 5 grams of fat. And while it’s true that 60 percent of the calories in eggs come from fat, eggs are indeed a low-calorie, lean protein with only 70 calories apiece, as well as a decent amount of vitamins and minerals. While egg whites contain approximately 58 percent of the protein (3.5 grams per egg), the rest of the nutrients; the remaining protein, vitamins (including vitamin D) and minerals (including iron) are found in the yolk. By grabbing a convenient, easily prepared egg, you’re poised to keep building fat-burning muscle and firm abs. So, don’t be afraid to enjoy the entire egg to take advantage of all the nutritional benefits they have to offer.
3. Curb Carb Cravings
Studies in recent years show that eating a high-protein breakfast, like one that incorporates eggs, can help you lose more weight, lower body mass index, and whittle inches off of your waist when compared against a bagel breakfast of equal calories. Furthermore, findings have demonstrated that people who eat eggs for breakfast have lower levels of hunger-signaling hormone ghrelin vs. those who eat a wheat-based breakfast. Carb-laden foods such as bagels cause a surge in blood sugar that leads to a crash that could actually cause a spike in your carb cravings. In comparison, eggs keep insulin levels balanced throughout the day, maintaining your energy levels for the long haul. Eggs supply the energy you’ll need to work your abs and keep them toned and tight.
4. Muscle Repair
Eggs provide all nine essential amino acids, the building blocks of healthy muscles. The yolk alone, contain 240 mg of leucine, the amino acid that turns on your body’s genetic muscle-building switch. To keep your abs lean and mean, you’ll have to not only master working hard, but also muscle recovery. Protein is needed for muscle repair and growth when eaten after exercise. By eating eggs to help your body recover, you’re primed to do your best when you get back in the gym. Cranking out crunch after crunch, planks, and bridges isn’t easy. Let eggs help you.
5. The Money Factor
In addition to easy preparation, eggs are one of the cheapest lean proteins available. They are portion controlled and at just $0.15 per egg, you get a high-quality protein at a fraction of the cost of most others. Preparation is quick, easy and versatile. Hard boiled, fried over-easy, scrambled, poached, coddled, or even baked into a casserole, eggs are amazingly adept at providing different textures and flavors to keep things interesting for your taste buds. Add to that the fact that eggs can keep refrigerated up to 4 weeks, and you’re really on to something in terms of saving dollars and cents. Who says flat abs have to drain your pockets?
Here are a few recipes ideas:
Poached Eggs with Asparagus
Lean Green Omelet
Spicy Deviled Eggs
Twice Baked Potato with Egg
The Eggs for Flat Abs Checklist
Below are five action steps to make eggs an important part of your ab-flattening routine:
1. Keep a half-dozen hard-boiled eggs and raw eggs in your refrigerator at all times.
2. Incorporate eggs in snack, dinner, and lunch meals such as wraps and salads.
3. Replace foods high in saturated fat like cheese with egg in sandwiches.
4. Eat eggs whole. Skipping the yolk leaves the essential vitamins and minerals that eggs contain out of the mix.
5. Eat eggs with fibrous foods to keep your hunger at bay.
May 22nd,2014
Healthy Eating,
Recipes | tags:
baked potato,
foods high in saturated fat,
fruit and vegetables,
hardboiled eggs,
taste buds,
vitamins and minerals,
work |
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