Here is another of Jafree Ozwald steps to make you dreams fulfilled and attract those positive energy into your life and become an unstoppable success! Good Luck!!
Follow these simple steps:
1. Choose ONE thing to manifest and be super specific about what it is.
If you have too many desires eating at you, they will leak your energy and disable you from creating any one of them. It’s best to focus on one specific thing at a time that is the most important thing you want and need. If you want a new job, what kind of job is it? Get specific with yourself about how many hours a week, what you’ll be doing, with what type of people, and how much will you be paid? If you also want a new relationship, body, money, peace of mind, and more fun in bed too, you’ll have a much easier time creating all of these dreams when you take care of your priority first. So just start with that one most important outcome that you most want/need to create, and commit to sticking to it like super glue over the next 90 days.
2. Speak your intention out loud in future, present and past tense.
An example of this would be, “I am sooo excited that I’m going to make $5,000 next month selling xyz! I just made $5000 this month selling xyz and am loving my job! I made $5000 last month selling xyz and I feel amazing inside!” Speaking these 3 messages out loud (in this future to past order) helps your body FEEL the end result and get super excited about manifesting it today!
3. Write your desired end result on a piece of paper and read it everyday.
Did you know that 90% of people don’t write down their desires, and that 90% of people have difficulty manifesting what they want? Coincidence? I don’t think so. It’s best to describe your desired outcome in GREAT detail in the present tense and don’t leave anything out. For instance, “I have a new career in internet marketing where I make at least $5,000 a month working with authentic, happy, fun-loving people!”
4. Take massive action out in the world as if your intention is already happening!
The Universe needs to know you are sincere about your intention so it can support you in the best way possible. After you FEEL and VISUALIZE your outcome manifesting, its best to use that excited energy out in the real world! By making phone calls, sending emails, getting out of your house and connecting face to face with people you’ll see its the best way to get the manifesting sparks flying! Massive inspired action creates a heighten sense of joy inside as well as a new-found awareness that you are living your life on purpose. Best of all, you end up “accidentally” bumping into the right people as a by-product of being out of the house!
5. Trust in the Universe and allow its Divine Intelligence to guide you!
Imagine that you could wait happily for eternity for your desired outcome to manifest. How would this feel? When you have infinite patience you’ve tapped into one of the greatest powers in the Universe. When you truly feel that you could wait for an infinite amount of time, having no anxiety about when, where or how your desire will manifest, the Universe will come beckoning at your feet. This trust doesn’t mean you’re twiddling your thumbs on a street corner all day, not to taking inspired action when you feel it. When you trust the Universe will handle the details and you are taking massive inspired actions, one day your end result will find you when you least expect it!
May 2nd,2014
What Kat did... | tags:
5 steps,
desired outcome,
good luck,
world |
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This is from Jafree Ozwald – on How to become a super manifestor – he has written some great things and it will help you in your daily life.
Make time each day to follow these 4 steps below and you are guaranteed to become a more powerful and conscious manifesting being.
1. Meditate at least 20 minutes a day. Set aside at least 20 minutes to sit quietly and observe the mind. Making this a priority in your life lets the mind know that you are in charge of it, instead of that it’s in charge of you. Daily meditation is the key to getting deeply in touch with your innermost feelings, beliefs, memories, and thought patterns. When you meditate, the most important information from the bottom of the mind tends to bubble up for you to see it and release it. As you let it go, you become even more available to the present moment, able to see what is totally here now, instead of being trapped in the ego’s desires from yesterday. When we meditate long enough, and deep enough, we stop being trapped in the game the mind is playing with us. We become more conscious of who we truly are, and the unlimited power that is inside us.
2. Randomly notice if you’re conscious or unconscious. How often do you think you operate like a robot and go on automatic pilot throughout your day? Randomly take a few moments each day to reflect on how present you are to being here now. You have the ability to be super conscious and surrendered to every moment, and this is absolute ecstasy! The more aware you are of what is happening in the Now, the more enlightened you become, and the easier it is to choose the life you want to create. This super conscious aware energy allows you to completely focus all of your energy in one direction, so you become a magnet to effortlessly attract the life you want in the outer world.
3. Visualize and feel exactly what you want to manifest. Spend a few minutes each morning visualizing what you truly want to manifest. See yourself doing the thing you most want to be doing. Imagine that it has already occurred and you’re just experiencing it in the physical world. You can use the support of one of the many guided meditations in our Super Manifesting Program to support you with this. The key here is that through training your mind to consciously visualize something, it creates an energetic blueprint for the Universe to follow. This acts as your main guide for your entire day, where your mind and body automatically align with your dream, and result in magnetizing whatever it is that you heart desires.
4. Question your reality and know what your heart truly desires. Every so often ask yourself this powerful question, “What am I focusing my mind on and why?” You will be astounded at how this simple question can awaken you and transform your life. It will help you to refocus on what your heart is truly after. Often as kids we get programmed with our parent’s desires, and end up thinking that these are our desires. What we truly want gets squashed by our parents unmet hopes, dreams, and needs. When the mind returns to the heart and questions what it really truly wants, we begin to get more energy and enthusiasm to live our life instead of theirs.
Asking this question deeply will re-center you, ground you, and support you greatly in your manifesting journey. Use the mind as often as you can to become more conscious of the kind of experiences, interactions, feelings, and events that make your heart sing! It’s the best investment you’ll ever make in your life, and the result is total fulfillment and satisfaction of who you are year after year.
April 30th,2014
What Kat did... | tags:
guided meditation,
heart desires,
world |
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Diet Tips for Headache Relief
Do your headaches make you feel like your head is about to explode? If so, you are not alone. Janet Jackson, Marcia Cross, and Hugh Jackman all suffer from crushing head pain. Clearly, a throbbing tension headache (90% of all headaches are this type) or a pulsating migraine can stop anyone in their tracks. Take this questionnaire to find out what may be causing your headache pain.
How to end the mind-numbing assault? Over-the-counter and prescription medications for headaches — including migraines — can relieve and sometimes prevent pain, but to be pain-free, you may need to make over your diet. We suggest:
- Change your diet to eat more foods rich in magnesium and riboflavin (vitamin B2). Riboflavin is in low/no-fat dairy, eggs, nuts, and green vegetables. Magnesium is in green veggies, whole grains, nuts, and potatoes. You can also supplement with 400 milligrams of riboflavin and at least 100 mg of magnesium daily.
- Make sure you are not vitamin D deficient. It’s linked to headaches. You want at least 1,000 international units of vitamin D3 a day; 1,200 IU after age 60.
- Identify food triggers. It’s mostly word of mouth that everything from red wine to chocolate can launch a headache, but if you suspect certain foods trigger yours, keep a daily diary to track what you eat and when your head hurts. It may reveal problem foods. Eliminate them from your diet and you may have fewer headaches.
With a few diet and lifestyle changes, you just might show those celebs a thing or two about living smart and free of head pain.
April 28th,2014
Healthy Eating | tags:
green vegetables,
headache pain,
headache relief,
lifestyle change,
prescription medications,
whole grain |
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