Living In Condo Community…

You know, I have learned a lot living in this community and also being a member of the HOA… this is a LOT of work and GET nothing but complaints from other owners who never go to a meeting…but whine that the colors for the building should be voted on… boy, if we did that we won’t have anything done..that is why we have guidelines ex …BY-Laws/Covenants/Master Deed… *sighs*…..
I can’t wait for this project to be over and done with and hopefully earn some kind of, how you say…when you get money in your house? ohhh yeah…equity!! I can then BUY my own house with NO By-Laws/Covenants/Master Deed but then again, their building “communities” all over the friggin place~!~



Living In Condo Community…

I know its been awhile since my last update of this project in our community, but, we are moving as planned, we had a few hitches, but that has been taken care of and we are moving….the one building will be done completely very soon.  We have picked out the colors for the building and the board has chosen 3 colors….they are in the family of Blue, Green and Brown (Khaki)….it will painted sort of like a rainbow effect where as you drive in, you will see my building first and it will be Green, the next building will be khaki and the one across it will be Blue…etc….get the drift?

Now, we need to concentrate on getting our renovation for the landscape and know that will be a big job in itself!   So like always, I’ll keep you all posted…stay tune!!  Don’t forget to listen to NAB Radio!!

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