Happy Father’s Day

Happy Father’s Day to all fathers/daddy’s and hope that they have a wonderful day with families, children and friends!! Its a hot and muggy day here but inside is nice and cool…think i’ll just stay in….

Have a wonderful everyone…not feeling well…eyes hurting, think my sinus is acting up….

Its Midnite…

Hello Everyone,
I’ve been out of action lately, due to many projects that is on hand…but there are quite a lot done and we are hoping that it will be all good.

I hope that all of you have a wonderful weekend of what’s left of it and hope to see all of you here…I am trying to gather some information about the Philippines where I was born and where my family and I find fascinating as I do my research. Its a beautiful country and I gladly tell all to visit and experience it!

CHEERS! Until next time….


Here it goes….

S-Super Human

Arians are 2 Smart….

A – Attractive
R – Rank Holders
I – Intelligent
E – Enjoyable
S – Sexy

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