Today is Mother’s Day, I hope that all the mother’s out there will have a wonderful day and enjoy it while it last!

Okay, my day started late, I wanted to have an early start, but didn’t work out, but went in to work, and caught up some things needed my attention, while i was there my son called me to wish me a Happy Mother’s day… that was nice, but didn’t see him or spend any time at all, just called to ask if I made him the appointment for his sport physical (he’s playing football this summer)…so made a note to call the doctor, (couldn’t understand why his Dad couldn’t do it….oh, he lives with his dad)…I guess I can’t complain that at least I got a call and thats it. I am late for his birthday present, as things just tight and he mention that too, so I guess i needed to get him something then he will get me something. I wasn’t going to argue the point. My relationship with my son, is not as it used to be since he’s lived with his dad from when he was 7 yrs old and I was living in England. I guess I need to work on it again, but I have sooooooo many things that I need to do, and I will have to make time to get where we use to be.

Its going to be hard, as he turned 15 last Monday, and I guess some of you can understand that at that age, they feel that they know all and can’t be seen kissing “Mom”….my advise to all Mom’s who has sons…enjoy while you can….I miss all the kisses and cuddles that I use to get my baby and oh, don’t ever say that he’s a baby either!! LOL….

Today, honey bun took me out for dinner at the new restaurant across the street where we lived; its an authentic Mexican restaurant and the food was fantastic….when you see lots of Mexican people eating there….you know the food gotta be good, they also have a “butcher section” where they get the meat when you order and its cooked fresh! If you ever around my area, go and check it out…the restaurant is on Rivers Avenue on the same where the back (SC Federal Credit Union) and its called, La Nortena….prices are middle….its much better than La Hacienda (the other side of Rivers on Shoney side)….I had for dessert, Flan it was lovely!!! I know where to go and get some now..its also homemade!

Well am signing off for now, going to go and relax and listen to NAB RADIO

Again, wishing all the Mother’s and wonderful Mother’s Day~!~!

Its Sunday, 10:09pm

Good Evening everyone, I hope that y’all had a wonderful, relaxing and fun filled weekend.  As the night draws on, I contiplating as to what I need to do and in talking it over with my husband, I have now made my mind and will counter-offer that was made to me and we will see where go after that. 

My son birthday is tomorrow and he will be 15 yrs old!!! WOW… time sure flies, he’s not here, he went to VA to attend his Uncle’s wedding (his dad brother) and should be home by now, but will give him a call early in the morning on his way to school tomorrow.  He wants a lot for his birthday, but not sure if I can give it to him, might have to give it to him later.

Well am listening to NAB RADIO – listen its great radio station and don’t forget to support internet radio at SIR-Save Internet Radio.org  Until the next time…God Bless…Be Safe!

Tis Saturday, 5/5/07

Okay its a celebration for the latin community of Cinco de Mayo… so what’s everyone plan for the festivies??? Well, as for me, a group of us from the community we live are all going out for Thai food and do a bit of bonding and maybe talk “shop”…on how to get our community up to par and get everyone involved. 

On another issue, I just got an offer that sounds just too good, as you all know that I have just taken another job and its going okay and my only thing was that I had to park about 1-2 miles from the work place, as I am not going to pay for Parking…this offer from my other job, is not bad, but it saves me on gas and he is willing to give me an allowance on gas as they have 2 stores that I have to take care of….so, talked it over with hubby, (he crunch numbers for me) and in the end it my decision to make.  I am also want to get our business going, so need to generate more clients….

I guess I have a lot to sleep on and think about it, as I told him that I would give him my decision on Monday, and I do feel bad for the other place, as I do like to work with the guy, but I need to keep an eye for myself!  So I need prayers as to what I need to do and hopefully I will make the right decision!!

Have a wonderful weekend everyone!

God Bless! 😀

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