Thank you once again for all your insights Jafree Ozwald!! I hope that you will find what you are seeking through Jafree writings. Thank you once for sharing this with the world!
The 5 Steps to Discovering your Life Purpose
By Jafree Ozwald
“A few tips to help you first see your “Imprinted Life Purpose”.
• It is a reason for living, doing, thinking and being that is all based in fear, in a need to survive. It’s what makes us think we should do to be able to “make it” in the world.• It always leaves you with a sense of “Is that all there is?” When your life is shaped by your imprinted Purpose, we’re constantly left unsatisfied and unfulfilled with everything we do.
• It is a deep part of who that is very transparent, like water is to a fish. The fish isn’t aware it lives in the ocean, yet the waves have tremendous influence on the fish’s direction in life.
• It’s what runs the show when you’re on automatic. |
Step One: Watch the Movie of Your Life. Starting with your earliest memories, take several hours (or as much time as you can afford) to sit down, relax with a bucket of popcorn and watch the whole movie of your life from beginning to now. It’s a really great show so you’ll want to take some notes! Imagine yourself as a movie reviewer sitting in the seats of your fantasy movie theater watching The Life and Times of [name]. Your job at the end of the movie will be to write a review of it. You’ll want to take at least 30 minutes to write this review. Below is a format to help you write this review, just be sure to include lots of fun juicy details!
Step Two: The first thing to write is the Movie Script. On a blank sheet of paper, draw a straight line in the middle of the page from the top to the bottom. This line represents your Life Line. Write the high points on the right side of the line and the low points on the left side. Write out the catalytic events, the pivotal turning points, from your earliest memories, large and small, include everything that has truly shaped your life.
Step Three: On the top of the page write out your Movie’s Theme. To do this, scan through your list of events along the Life Line and look for what could possibly be this Movies’ Theme. Every movie has a theme — boy meets girl, boy loses girl, boy gets girl back, etc. What’s the MAJOR theme of your movie? Write out 2-3 sentences that sum up the major theme of your life.
Step Four: Look to see how your Life Events created your Imprinted Purpose. Review the criteria of an imprinted Purpose and begin linking it to feelings and memories you identified with in the movie of your Life. Identify the role you were playing in this movie and connect it with your imprinted Purpose. Be real and be specific! In 2-3 sentences write down what you think your Imprinted Purpose is. Use words you heard from people who impacted you the most in your childhood experiences (when your Imprinted Purpose was formed) and write down what you believe your Imprinted Life Purpose has been. Notice if there’s anything missing or anything extra needed and if it fits the qualities of an Imprinted Purpose.
Step Five: It’s time to be creative and discover your real Life Purpose! Take a deep long look at your Imprinted Purpose and see if you can first imagine what would be the opposite feeling, vibration or mission of this experience. Ask yourself what makes you feel free, alive, excited and on fire! What actions, behavior, gifts or service to the world will make you jump out of bed every morning with JOY even if you’re never paid for it? Imagine a way of being, thinking and doing things in the world what that makes your heart sing your greatest song. View all the inspirational aspects that were responsible in you for all the high points you listed on the right side of the page.
January 6th,2014
What Kat did... | tags:
30 minutes,
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Thanks goes to Jafree Ozwald and Margot Zaher for this information. I would like to share this with you and hopefully this will help everyone find your mate. If you would like more information please go to the link provided below. Thank you again Jafree & Margot!!
10 Universal Relationship Truths
Written by Jafree Ozwald and Margot Zaher
The following information will assist you in creating a heart opening soul-based relationship in your life. By applying these Universal truths everyday you’ll empower yourself to manifest a relationship that works for you, not against you. When you are connecting with another from this soul based perspective, everything changes. Your most expansive loving energy hidden inside you shines brighter, which naturally makes you a guiding light helping all beings find their way home. The secret is knowing that every relationship doesn’t actually exist on the “outside”, yet is always being projected from within. At your very core you always have a connection with the divine, and this is found through those beings in the world with whom are placed in your path and are here relating to.
NOTE: When you read each message, read it slowly so it sinks deeply into your body. Take your time to digest each message before moving onto the next one. You’ll know when the message is consumed inside when there is a feeling of peace each time that you read through it. Enjoy!
1. The greatest love of your life is within you. Dwell on the idea of an infinite love is within you now. Rest in the feeling that arises from meditating on this idea. Relax into this feeling sooo deeply that it permeates your innermost being. This way you have found your Source of love and are free from relying on your partner for feelings of love and validation.
2. You have the unlimited power to manifest your ideal relationship at any time. Since you can shift your vibrational frequency at any moment, you can manifest anyone anytime you wish! By transforming the way you are relating and connecting to others, you create a vibrational field around you which allows you to be more intimate with yourself and your partner.
3. Your partner can never fully “complete” you because you are already whole. The longing for completion comes from the illusion that you are missing something. This lacking feeling is simply an effect from being out of touch with your Divine Infinite Nature.
4. You are not responsible for how anyone feels. You can never make anybody feel angry, sad, hopeless, defensive, or any other emotion known to man-kind. You are responsible solely for your own emotional state that is arising for you now.
5. Your true Divine essence is love, and you are connected to this energy no matter what you think, say or do. Your very essence has such a powerful love that it can transform anything in your world. Your core essence always holds the vibration of love at all times.
6. Ego by definition is always focusing on what it wants. If your partner rarely satisfies your ego’s desires, it’s because both of your egos are busy trying to run their own show. To satisfy your ego and your partner’s ego completely eternally, return to focusing on connecting with your own soul and feeling that you are The Source of unlimited love.
7. Gratitude for the other is always there, and grows more when you express it. It is like the smoldering warm embers of an old fire that are buried at the core of your heart. All it takes is for you to use your lungs and blow them out to consciously re-ignite the spark! When the words you choose to speak are constantly with the energy of gratitude, you’ll find your vibration always expands and multiplies with each new day.
8. Behind every “undesired” behavior you see in your partner is your mis-perception of the Divine. At the core of everyone is the most beautiful divine essence that is perfect, peaceful, eternal and loving in all ways. Stop looking at the surface and judging what you see and start honoring the love that you feel is underneath it all, hiding at the core.
9. The act of not letting yourself love someone or be fully loved is the cause of suffering and emotional pain in all relationships. Pain is never caused by you loving your partner to the fullest. Pain is caused by with holding love. Commit yourself to loving fully and you’ll only manifest amazing relationships to you the rest of your life!
10. Your soul is all-knowing, loving and eternally free. It knows that each experience you have is deeply enriching in and of itself. When you’re aligned with your soul, it naturally accepts whatever occurs in a relationship. When you can step back, stop the mind chatter you’ll get this soul based perspective. In a moment, you will stop being stuck in the narrow perspective of the ego. It is not attached to only having good experiences and avoiding the bad ones. It knows life is divine perfection which the mind is blind to seeing.
January 4th,2014
Interesting Facts,
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HAPPY BIRTHDAY HONEY BUN!! Hope you have a wonderful day and hopefully you will like your surprise that I have in store for you!! I love you very much Ian!!