3 Secrets to Becoming a Manifesting Magnet

Thank you Jafree Ozwald for these great advice and hope that some of you find it useful as I do. I do try to practice this and like everyone else, do lose sight of what I want to achieve. But I have taken the blocks out and practice it on a daily basis and hope this will help everyone else!
These 3 secrets will help you to transcend any blocks stopping you from receiving your desires or dream life. Practice these for the next 21 days and you will begin to step into your outrageous power, experiencing yourself as the divine manifesting being you truly are.
1. Practice the Magic Manifesting Mantra Repeat the words, Quiet Mind, Open Heart, and Relaxed Being throughout your day, feeling these messages open up a space inside every part of your body. A quiet mind, open heart and a deeply relaxed core are the most potent manifesting qualities we can have. A quiet mind is like open hand and a busy mind creates a tensed body which behaves like a closed fist. Just think how hard is it for me to hand you $10,000 in cash if you have a tight closed fist? A relaxed body, open heart and quiet mind invokes an open creative mindset that becomes naturally receptive for you to receive your desired outcome. When you have a quiet mind, your heart naturally relaxes and opens on its own accord. You become non-judgmental, patient, loving and more accepting of others and yourself. You see that whatever happens is the right experience for your souls highest growth and awakening. An mp3 guided meditation to this experience can be found in the Super Manifesting Package below.
2. Gently yet firmly hold onto the wild reins of your mind. The mind is like a herd of wild horses that have never been trained or tamed. When you can gain the respect and tame this herd, you will have the power to hold the mind still and focus it upon the vision and feeling you want to attract. With a confident grasp on the reins of your mind, you can be specific and clear about what you want, as well as conscious enough to let down you resistance to allowing it to come into your life. If there is any doubt, hesitancy, fear, or negative thinking about your desire, you are simply holding the reins too tight and need to trust in life’s magical unfolding process. Look to where the deeper emotional conflict is inside you about receiving your desired outcome. Perhaps you think you are unworthy of it, or that it should manifest tomorrow or sooner? The Universe is not prepared to deliver it to you until you are eternally patient and 100% worthy of receiving it. When you are fully open to receiving your desire at anytime in the future, all the blocks will be magically removed and your dream will show up for you faster than you thought was possible.
3. Let go of any attachment as to HOW your desire manifests. Life is not just about getting what your ego wants, it is a spiritual journey of enlightenment along the way. You are here to wake up and realize that you are a divine being overflowing with amazing lightness, laughter, liberation and love. When you are experiencing such an ecstatic joy, appreciation for life, and playfulness throughout your day, the Universe wants to take your vibration even higher. It wants you to experience more of what you want, which means receiving ALL of your desires. When you are simply living in joy, playing in life, being the sweet childlike playful being you are deep inside, you stop being attached to your ego’s desires and searching the outer world for happiness. You know that deep inside you have whatever it is you need to be happy, fulfilled, and at peace. When you are happy with your life just as it is right now, you instantly have become a super powerful manifesting magnet for attracting every single one of your desires to you.