It is 2022!! Time to catch up with my life! Part One

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Good Morning, Afternoon, Evening

I am not a good blogger as life always seems to get in the way or I am just too lazy to write anything that is happening in my life. I am older and wiser but I miss travelling!! 2022 came and 2020/2021 came and went! For me 2020 was not memorable, as I got sick and was stricken with Covid-19 in the end of 2020, to be exact New Years Eve 2020 – it all began normal day, got up went to work. We opened the shop as normal, loo and behold I had a very bad cough and couldn’t stop! My manager said, to take a test (she had a test from the hospital that her sister worked in) and she tested me, and guess what, I was shuffled out quick, closed the shop and called our AM and they did a deep clean, and while I was on my way home, my manager called and she made an appointment for all of us to get a tested from the test centre. So I said, yes for me and my husband to be tested as the test centre was near my home. I called my husband afterwards, to come home straight as we have an appointment at 1530 that evening.

We both walked from our house to the test centre and I started to feel not good, we would know the results in 24 hrs of the outcome of the test. I went up to bed straight away, as I was really not feeling all that good. My hubby came upstairs to see if I wanted to have something to eat, but I really didn’t any appetite at all! I just wanted to sleep. The next time he came up was to wish me Happy New Year and if I wanted to come down, I said no, and gave him a kiss and said Happy New Year babe, and turn to sleep again!

In the meantime, my hubby received the outcome of our test and we were both *positive* with Covid!!! I don’t remember anything except that I only want to sleep and didn’t want to eat. I only got up to pee and drink some water and sleep!! My husband was so worried and he started doing research about people that had the infection, and everyone said to get the *Oximeter* to check your blood oxygen. He tried his best to get to move about and drink water but I just didn’t have the energy and just to be left alone and sleep!! Poor guy he had it himself, but it didn’t hit him that hard and he was so worried about me, that he even called my close friends to call me to get me moving about. In the meantime, the oximeter arrived and he took a test of my blood oxygen and it was at 89-90%, once I got up to climb up and down the stairs, it would go up at 91% and I would lie back down to sleep again!! He would keep testing my blood oxygen level; once it went down to 80% he called the ambulance and they came to the house. Told me to run up down the stairs like I have to go pee… I did that and they were happy with the results and told me I had to eat and drink lots of fluids. I said ok….

My hubby, bless him.. he keep on pestering me to get drink and moving, I just yelled back just to leave me alone and let me die! Not good when he is sick himself… this is all conveyed from him and I don’t remember what else happen. The ambulance came again, as hubby was really worried and this time, I was taken to hospital, and I had to get some clothes ready for a stay in the hospital. I was kept overnight and while I was there I wa poked, prod with needles, testing here there and all over!! They even had a way of testing of blood besides taking in your arm, was to scrape your wrist and that shit hurt! I did sleep somewhat but was poke prod by taking my blood pressure, blood oxygen and giving me antibiotics  intravenously. The docs said I could go home the following day, as my vitals showed that I was on my way to getting better. They sent me home.. I arrived home and saw my honey bun.. he looked so haggard!! I said you need to sleep and you’re sick too, but he just needed some rest!!

Once I was home, it felt so good to be back on your own bed and home with no one others sharing a room with you! I said I’m going to sit awhile and watch telly and told him to go and go to bed, as he really needs rest! He was worried the whole time that I was in hospital. He felt a bit of relief and he went to bed, I stayed up for a bit….


Happy New Year

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Hello Peeps!

I wish you a very happy, healthy and prosperous New Year in 2022!

Carol Service on The Green

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Come by and join us for some singing and mince pie and tea after!

December 19, 2021 @1800 (6:00p)