Oh this is the best part of any Filipino meals!!! THE DESSERTS!!! I have so many favorites that I wish my mom was still with us so she can make me some leche flan! Bico is the other one I can eat that all the time and gain tons of weight! BUT who cares!! LOL.. I think when we go back home, I am going to splurge of some Filipino food and desserts!! YA!! Thanks Philippines Foods & Recipes
This is one of many favorites of mine that I really should make some!
is a native and authentic Filipino food. This is a special rice cake topped with caramel drizzles or latik. Biko is usually served during birthday parties, fiestas, Christmas, New Year and other celebrated events in Philippines. Thus, the Biko recipe is somewhat popular and very well known by most of the Filipinos.
Filipino Dessert Recipes
Filipino desserts is a big part of Filipino dishes and cuisine. It plays a huge role in terms of Filipinos way of cooking and eating. Filipino desserts is usually called as “panghimagas” in Tagalog word. For many of us, Pinoy, it isn’t a good meal without something tasty and sweet to top it off. It is like without any dessert, the meal isn’t really complete.
Image Credit: http://www.flickr.com/photos/taho/2956046587/
However, as time passes by, Filipino desserts evolve on its own. Nowadays, kids or young ones do like ice cream, cake or brownies as their dessert. But for me, nothing beats authentic Filipino dessert recipes. Check out below some of my all time favorite dessert recipes you might try making at home.
Buko Salad
Buko salad is a Filipino dessert usually served after lunch or dinner. Buko salad dessert recipe is usually served out of a young green coconut shell. Buko salad can go along with other fruits such as mango, banana, kiwi fruit and dragon fruit. The mixture of condensed milk and cream makes this recipe taste even better.
Ginatan or Ginataan Halo Halo
A kind Filipino dessert that is best served as dessert and merienda as well. Also, it can also be served either hot/warm or cold. Guinataang halo-halo main ingredients are bananas (saging na saba), kamote (sweet potatoes), gabi (taro), sago (tapioca balls) and bilo-bilo (sticky rice balls) that is cooked in sweetened coconut milk.
An authentic Filipino dessert or delicacy. Pichi Pichi is made from coconut and cassava or kamoteng kahoy. This is considered as one of many variants of the famous “puto” of the Filipino people. Pichi pichi originated from the province of Quezon.
A very sweet dessert or topping made of coconut. It is made by simmering strips of young, gelatinous coconut (buko) in water and then mixing with white or brown sugar.
A layered glutinous rice and coconut dessert in Filipino cuisine. It is made from rice flour, coconut milk, sugar, water, and coloring with coconut flakes sprinkled on top. Sapin-sapin means “layers” and the dessert is recognizable for its layers, each colored separately. Sapin Sapin recipe is made from rice flour or rice that has been soaked overnight then crushed into a paste, sometimes yams or yam flour, coconut milk and sugar.
Maja Blanca
Made from coconut milk and corn starch. The most popular form of this is the Maja Blanca Mais.
Leche Flan
A popular dessert in the Philippines. It is similar to a cream caramel. It is sweet and rich.
How about you? What are your favorites? Share it at the comment section below.
February 8th,2011
Recipes | tags:
buko salad,
coconut milk,
coconut shell,
dessert recipe,
dessert recipes,
dragon fruit,
filipino dessert,
filipino dishes,
filipino food,
kamoteng kahoy,
kiwi fruit,
pichi pichi,
saging na saba,
sweet potatoes,
tagalog word |
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I have not had this in such a long time! My mom use to make it and it was truly yummy! I have not been able to find the recipe until now! I hope that you all enjoy this healthy eating! Thanks again goes to my fave sites – Philippines Recipes & Food
Dinengdeng is an authentic Ilocano dish or recipe. The main characteristic of this dish is the boiled vegetable with bagoong na isda dish which is sweetened with kamote.

Dinengdeng is similar to pinakbet and bulanglang. But unlike pinakbet or bulanglang, dinengdeng contains much fewer vegetables and contain more bugguong soup base.
This dish is also considered as one of the healthiest diet recipe of Filipinos.
Dinengdeng Recipe Main Ingredients:
* 2-3 tbsp. bagoong na isda
* 1 small size cubed kamote
* grilled or fried fish, sliced crosswise
* salt
With combination but not limited of the following vegetables:
* kalabasa, cut into wedges
* okra, cut into wedges
* upo, cut into wedges
* ampalaya, cut into wedges
* eggplant,cut into wedges
* sigarillas,cut into wedges
* sitaw. cut into 2” lengths
* saluyot tops, leaves
* camote tops, leaves
* malunggay leaves
* squash tops, leaves, flowers
* bamboo shoots, sliced, boiled
Dinengdeng Cooking Instruction:
1). Dilute bagoong na isda in 1-2 cups of water, strain in a sheave and pour solution in a casserole.
2). Bring to boil and simmer for 3-5 minutes, remove all scams that rises.
3). Add in kamote cubes and simmer for another 2-3 minutes. Add in all the vegetables, vegetables that will require longer time to cook at the bottom and leafy vegetables at the top.
4). Add more water if necessary. Season with salt if required.
5). Simmer until vegetables are cooked but firm.
6). Top with grilled or fried fish and keep covered for a minute.
Serve dinengdeng while its hot. Enjoy this healthy recipe!
February 6th,2011
Recipes | tags:
bamboo shoots,
camote tops leaves,
diet recipe,
fried fish,
healthiest diet,
healthy recipe,
leafy vegetables,
soup base |
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WOW, this brings back some great memories of family gatherings and get together. My mom use to make this and it’s been such a long time since we’ve had this! Thank you again Philippines Foods & Recipes! Here it is and I do hope you give it try, it just might become one of your favorites!
Adobong Pusit
This is another variant of the famous adobo dishes of Filipinos. The squid adobo or adobong pusit recipe, is quite different with chicken adobo or pork adobo. While most adobo preparations have a brownish sauce, squid adobo has a deep, purplish-black sauce due to the inclusion of squid ink.
Adobong Pusit Recipe Ingredients:
* 1 lb. pusit/squid
* 1 1/2 tsp. salt
* 1 small bay leaf
* 1/4 tsp. pepper
* 3-4 cloves garlic, minced
* 1/3 cup vinegar
* 1 tsp. sugar
* 1/4 cup water
* 3 tbsp. cooking oil
* 1 small onion, thinly sliced
Adobong Pusit Cooking Instructions:
1). Pull out head, tentacles, innards and transparent ribs from the body of the squid.
2). Cut off tentacles just above the eyes and discard innards and transparent ribs.
3). Wash and drain bodies and tentacles. Set Aside
4). Combine salt, pepper, garlic, vinegar, water, sugar and bay leaf. Marinate squids in this mixture for 1 hour. Drain. Save marinade
5). Heat oil in a skillet over medium heat. Sauté garlic until fragrant. Add onions and tomatoes
6). Stir-fry for a few minutes until soft and wilted.
7). Add drained squids. Stir until the squids are half done for about 5 to 8 minutes. Add strained marinade. Bring to a boil and then lower the heat. Correct seasonings. Let it simmer until squids are cook. If desired, allow it to thicken or be a little dry in consistency. Be sure not to overcook the squids.
8). Remove from heat and transfer to a serving dish.
Best serve hot with plain rice.
February 4th,2011
Recipes | tags:
bay leaf,
chicken adobo,
cooking instructions,
family gatherings,
filipino dishes,
great memories,
plain rice,
recipe ingredients,
Stir-fry |