Another Great Evening…

Well, it was another great evening for the Palmetto Acoustic Series…if you missed it, there is one more show coming in November 20th – which will be the last show for the year. So come out and mark your calendar!
This evening show was Kyle Sch….(long last name) from DE and Jenny Goodspeed from MA – great tunes and evening was had by all. Tune in to NAB Radio – soon as we are playing all the artist that has played at Muddy Waters for your enjoyment. Check back, as we will be posting the shows soon!
November 7th, 2008 in
What Kat did... | tags: beer, coffee, internet radio, muddy waters, music, nab, NAB Radio, palmetto acoustic series, wine
Seesmic video reply from Disqus.
Yup, he's had too many scotch… or Canadian Club Reserve! LOL and he got Kyle last name correctly and spelled it as well!! Am impressed!!! LMAAO!!
Seesmic video reply from Disqus.
Yup, he's had too many scotch… or Canadian Club Reserve! LOL and he got Kyle last name correctly and spelled it as well!! Am impressed!!! LMAAO!!
Seesmic video reply from Disqus.
Yup, he's had too many scotch… or Canadian Club Reserve! LOL and he got Kyle last name correctly and spelled it as well!! Am impressed!!! LMAAO!!