Are we in Recession? or…

Today, President Obama passed the much talked about Stimulus bill that has been argued back and forth from both side, but mostly from the Republicans saying “not fair” ” oh we can’t have this or that” – whatever it is, work it out and stop pointing fingers at yourselves and work to get us out of this hole we are slowly going down.
I was neither excited but finally start to see if that bill is going to help ME find a job, as I’ve been looking since I lost my job in Oct 2008 and filed for the unemployment benefits which does not really help me at all, as still trying to juggles bills to keep my lights on, water, and food on my table.
I’m just so tired of hearing all the this shit about politics that I just wished that people who complain, start doing something about it and instead of whining why that shouldn’t be or …. why not give some “concrete
suggestions and start trying to work with everyone. Why do we have that kind of mentally here? It sounds just like this community that I live – there are people that have been here since it first been built and now that I am on the seat of the Board of Directors, all they seem want to do is complain and ask why did we spend that money and where is this – haven’t ya all been at all the friggin meetings we had to say that the BOD were going to make that the money borrowed will be spent wisely? well yea it was and the place looks quite nice thank you.. and along the way the BOD had learned a few things and has taken responsibility and started to enforce the By-Laws/Covenants – yes there is some things that needs to be change in our By-Laws/Covenants and that in itself is a job to get 115 owners to agree upon! That is that task that this BOD is working on.
Oh, let me stop, but now that we got this bill signed, can we at least work together to help what we can do to get this country back up? Why not give a hand to your neighbor and see if they need help with anything? This is quite tame for me, really cuz there would lots of explicitives as these people as just… 🙂
I leave you with this, CHANGE is coming and NOT happening OVERNIGHT – it takes ALL of US to work to make it happen people! If you have any comments, do share them….