Drinks & Diet

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More stuff for you to read…they do make sense….of course, hubby sent it…here you go!

Soda. Making up for 10 percent of the average American’s caloric intake, soda is at the top of the beverage blunder list. Research has shown that soda consumption is directly linked to weight gain. In addition to offering large quantities of calories, soda’s high concentrations of sugar and starch often contribute to overeating. Walking off one 12-ounce can of Coca-Cola Classic (which has 143 calories and 39.9 grams of sugar) will take 27 minutes.

Coffee Drinks. One cup of black coffee can be a relatively healthy morning eye-opener at only two calories per cup. Unfortunately, many people partake in less healthy forms of caffeination. One of these less desirable coffee choices is Starbucks’ venti 2 percent Peppermint White Chocolate Mocha. With 660 calories, 22 grams of fat (14 grams, saturated), and 95 grams of sugar, this caffeinated catastrophe can wreak serious havoc on your diet.

Energy Drinks. Often used as an alternative to drinking coffee or for a late night jolt, energy drinks are becoming an increasingly popular choice. Sales for these beverages have reached upwards of $3.4 billion a year. However, top-selling Red Bull shows 27 grams of sugar are contained in one 8.3-ounce can. Such high levels of sugar can have an adverse effect on your metabolism. Because much of your morning drowsiness is derived from dehydration, if you’re looking to get a good morning boost, reach for a glass of ice-cold water.

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