Drunk Driving

Now, I will never understand why someone would drink and drive – doesn’t the bar personnel know when that person has had enough and call him a cab? Why let that person go and drive? yes, some say its not my problem, okay, then when is it your problem? Is it your problem, when one night that person you let go home and drive – hit someone and killed them but he walks unscratched? You find out its one of your loved one.. who’s problem is it then? I can never understand why people take that attitude…its EVERYONE problem – if you know that person is unfit to drive, then take the damn keys away and get him a cab!!
Why wait until it happens to YOU…yeah you don’t care cuz its NOT your family or a friend…so when it does, who’s fault is it?
Case in point…I saw this news from this link and read it, he was so drunk that he drove right in the police station and walked in… read it..Â