Friday Nite…surprise…

Okay, so this was last week, I just didn’t get around to it…meaning to post it! So here is my little story! ENJOY!
I just had to share this you all, Fridays I work downtown with well known Restaurant Broker – he knows all that is to know who’s who in Charleston Cuisine..from owner to Chef’s owner….
Well, usually if he has a meeting with one of his client, hubby drops me off and he goes does his stuff…Am usually done by 5pm (that is if the boss man doesn’t have a contract to do NOW)…well this or yesterday (Friday) I was out by 5pm…and hubby was running a bit late…hmmmm….think he’s trying to tell me something here…
Okay, well he picked me up, we had to go to the bank to put $$ to our checking, one to the business and the other to personal….then I thought we were going home for dinner, as I’ve not had any lunch, as I had heartburn all day and just drinking loads of water…
So we’re driving…and he’s not going toward home? So I ask where are we going? In downtown Charleston, there are a lot ONE WAYs street….so he says “okay i need to go here, and this is where I want to go”…so I ask “what are you doing here? ….ahhhh…Oh, we’re going to Blend – we ate there before a few weeks back and I had a salad…it was really good and yes….WOW…it was a nice surprise!! …well, the deli part was closed but we could sit outside or upstairs, we went upstairs on the Patio and there were a few people and music entertainment from 2 was a man/woman team..and the other one was a solo…and both were really good!
We had the most enjoyable evening at Blend and the music was great and the food!!!!!!! We happen to arrived for happy hour and the food was scrumptious!! I would recommended people to go there…its a very popular place and we had the best seats!
See my honey sometimes do surprise me with things like that… I love to do things spur of the moment and this one was a surprise, he does things like this and I really love it!!
So, if ever you’re around downtown, go check out Blend, its across from MUSC on Ashley and Doughty…
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I want to go back again! :o)
I want to go back again! :o)
I want to go back again! :o)