
Greed – is the selfish desire for or pursuit of money, wealth, power, food, or other possessions, especially when this denies the same goods to others. It is generally considered a vice, and is one of the seven deadly sins in Catholicism.
That is what Wikipedia defines Greed, it really sums it all up and the first sentence. Now, why is that? It happens to us in our every day lives, but foremost, it happens in families when there is “inheritance” that one’s expect to be inherited. I am talking about in this particular situation my own family. I have seen it many times over, but never really experience it till now… as you all know I lost my Dad not too long ago, but he did not leave a will, he did start to and put names as to who will get what… but in the end, he changed his mind and told my Mom that she will be the one to decide.
My brother has changed since he married a very selfish woman who only wants things around the house, she can’t give him children to carry on the Reyes line – it will STOP with him. He in all honesty, been told that this woman is only after 1 thing.. he didn’t listen and she has never been welcomed into the family. I for one, can see right thru it and yes, she is FAKE. I could care less that she got a master in something.. but experience and common sense work far better than a piece of paper.
Now, to get on with this, we or Mom inherited what was left to father from his family generations ago…Mom decided to make a Corporation where all of us (the children and heirs) to this corporation, but if one is the manager, he can NOT make any decisions to sell, purchase with out the approval of the other 3 siblings – which is the sisters….(me for one and 2 other sister).
He didn’t like that idea when the reading took place with the lawyers (as conveyed to me from my sister) so now he has an attitude that I could careless, I am concern for Mom’s well being, and he is waiting for the day she will go… so in that, I find it disgusting and hope that he gets what he deserves in the end. I think my Dad found that out and that is why he did not make a will and left it to my Mom to decide. I have only one parent left and I WILL NOT stand by and make her stressed out. He can go to hell as far as I am concern!
Mom is not a well person and all her sisters are concern for her welfare and so as her children with the exception one…who is more worried as to what he will get. Well, he has another thing coming, I will speak to my mother and tell her that she should change that request and make the position to manage the corporation to me, as I am the eldest. I can then manage it quite well thank you with all the experience I have in dealing with properties as an Real Estate Agent and my many years in the Corporate world. I think I can run this corporation much better than any MAN.
This corporation will be passed down to the heirs of the Reyes Clan, which means that it will be go to my son and my nephews.   🙂