Hey Joe!

Okay, as I read this story from from Tim, I am very much appalled that the Philippine government are letting this incidents happens to all of the Filipino people, whether they be man, woman or child!! They’re hard working people that just want to make ends met like all of us are trying to do! BUT to be treated with dismay as if you’re lower than the Chinese???!!! PLEASEEeeeeeeeeeeeeeee… this really gets my goat up, Hong Kong was under British ruling until they were return to communist CHINA – who do they think they are? They’re no better than you or I – hopefully someone do something about it soon… WHY all the Filipino people letting all this things happen? DO SOMETHING!!
Here’s the excerpt of Tim’s story….
Hong Kong Be Damned
By Timothy Daiss
According to news reports in both Hong Kong and the Philippines, a Filipino domestic helper, Julieta Binggas Selga, working in Hong Kong, was assaulted for serving an under cooked meal to her employer on March 23…Read more