I am here…

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Just have not been posting as things sometime just gets behind…so hopefully all of you are doing well!  So in the mean time I have a few more things that I’ve been doing and it will be posted up soon.

Check out some of the sites we have – NAB RADIO – tell us what you think and tune in! You just might some great music you didn’t know you liked!

THE EYE – its another eye to the world

THE GOOD FOOD CAMPAIGN – its a campaign for no more chemicals to be put on the foods we eat.  Get Back to Organics, where our parents use to eat wholesome foods with no chemicals!  Think about it, with all the processed foods we’ve been eating and the sicknesses…isn’t it about time that we do something? Our kids are eating all these junk food and getting fatter! HFCS is not GOOD…no matter the US Government tell you..START READING all the labels on what you buy and you’ll be surprise as to crap you put into your body!

BINGBONGBOO – this all the jokes that people sent and we have compiled them here…

So if you’re curious, do come by and stop at the websites we have and tell us what you think.. thanks! 😀

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