It is 2022!! Time to catch up with my life! Part Two

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Kathy CPAP MaskI watched TV for a while, and then went to bed. Thing is, I wasn’t really better, and I got worse in the night. Hubby checked my blood oxygen and it got really low again. He called 111 and got an ambulance to come and they checked and took me back to the hospital. I was in quite a bad way, my oxygen went as law as 81%. I was put into a bed with a full-face CPAP mask with 80% oxygen.

It didn’t look like I was responding too well to start with and my husband got a call to say that I would have to go on a ventilator and be intubated if I got any worse. As it happened, my levels held and I didn’t end up in ICU  but it was very close, although I wasn’t aware of this at the time.

I slowly started to improve and I soon got my appetite back.

I was stuck in a hospital bed, but I made up with it by eating!

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