Living In Condo Community…

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Just to get everyone an update…well as you know we did close on the loan and the work has begun before we could make an announcement! Oh well, but the feeling around is happiness, but we are not out of the woods yet!! The BOD is responsible for withdrawing the money and making sure that before they get paid, there are checks and balances has to be met!  As for I, I am the signer of the check along with another member of the board and I have to make sure that I can account for all the money spent! Geesshhh…. well wish me luck! Another update soon….have a great weekend! 🙂

Comments (4)

EyebeeNo GravatarAugust 3rd, 2007 at 04:59

Yeah, coz you lose count with more than a nickel and two dimes! Ha ha!… Seriously, we all think you’re doing a grand job.

EyebeeNo GravatarAugust 3rd, 2007 at 00:59

Yeah, coz you lose count with more than a nickel and two dimes! Ha ha!… Seriously, we all think you’re doing a grand job.

KatNo GravatarAugust 3rd, 2007 at 12:53

Well, Thank you babe! 🙂 Its nice to know you’re being appreciated all the free time that I’ve given up! 🙂

KatNo GravatarAugust 3rd, 2007 at 08:53

Well, Thank you babe! 🙂 Its nice to know you’re being appreciated all the free time that I’ve given up! 🙂

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