Living In Condo Community…

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Hello Folks,

Here’s an update on what’s been happening, the project is moving as planned and truthfully, moving so fast and smoothly that I am totally impressed! The community is starting to take shape as it should be and I feel that everyone will be happy and for some, not so happy, but…. it might not be to bad, as we are already shopping new insurance coverage and that will help us lower our regime payments if we can get a decent quote under 100k. Now, to speak of the loan, well, we are getting more owners interested in prepaying their part so we can use that money and not really tap too much on the loan side. That will also help us in getting our assessments lowered as well for those who can’t afford to prepay.

All in all…I think its been a great project, just have to be on our toes, as always in any community there is always someone will complain about anything and everything and has nothing better to do, but make everyone else life a misery!

Have a wonderful Sunday, we are having a board meeting/dinner tonight to prepare for our next homeowners meeting in 2 weeks time to update the community where we are…


“Onwards & Upwards” – hubby’s motto… šŸ™‚

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