Living In Condo Community…

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Okay, we had our meeting tonight, and I WAS totally unprepared!!! Can you believe it!!! I don’t know…but I walked out of the house, with all my stuff for the HOA… and when we started the meeting, I went blank and did not have the copy from the last meeting minutes!!! OMG!! :O So, all in all, it went fairly okay, but i think we need more to be FIRM and state what needs stating and then move on.. there is always 2 that will ……. you know exactly what I mean.. if any of you live in a community as tightly close as this one… you know what am referring to!

But, all in all…i think we are moving in the right directions and I’ve come to the conclusion that can’t make all happy or agree so in the end, just have to decide what is best for this whole community and we are a team…The Board!! GO BOARD!!!

I can actually sympathize with anyone that is ever in any HOA wherever you are….this hard work and we are all only volunteers!! So, guess what this dumb ass going to do… one of the member of the board resigned effective Saturday….and I already said that I will go ahead and put my name in the hat to run for the open seats (which will be 2) so in the meantime, we are looking for someone to fill in the vacant seat to fill until the end of this year!!

Aren’t you glad that you own your house!! But honestly, Its looking good in here and hoping that we get more volunteers for our committees too!! This place will be rocking soon and the property value go ….UP!!!

Night y’all… tis past me bedtime…until then…sweet dreams and don’t let the bed bugs bite!! 🙂

Comments (4)

EyebeeNo GravatarSeptember 2nd, 2007 at 15:25

Well, she BS’ed away through the “minutes of last meeting” part, and got away with it!

EyebeeNo GravatarSeptember 2nd, 2007 at 11:25

Well, she BS’ed away through the “minutes of last meeting” part, and got away with it!

KatNo GravatarSeptember 2nd, 2007 at 15:46

Of course, it was not as bad as he makes it sound, mind you…but It will be done correctly next month’s meeting. 😀

KatNo GravatarSeptember 2nd, 2007 at 11:46

Of course, it was not as bad as he makes it sound, mind you…but It will be done correctly next month’s meeting. 😀

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