Movie: Transformer
Hey y’all!!
We (my son & I and friends) went to see this movie last night! It was awesome! If some of you remember the cartoons, my son and I use to watch it every saturday morning (of course this is when he was just a little baby boy! he’s 15 now)….our friends Chris and George had already seen it, but they liked so much they wanted to see it again! So we went, of course like any teenager my son ask if his friend could come, I said he could, but he pays for his food….now, as you all know who have teens in the household, doesn’t listen and you end up buying their food! I didn’t mind, really, but told my son he owes me $20! 🙂
Now, the movie was about 3 hrs long, we didn’t get out of there until late in the evening (well midnight!) I thoroughly enjoyed it and want to get the DVD and loved the song they played there (thinking of buying the soundtrack…) I will suggest that you have to see if if you like movies or if you like sci-fi movies… its an action packed movie! I liked it and so did my son and his friend…I recommend that you see it! The soundtrack at the end of the movie is from Linkin Park, “What I’ve Done” love it!