My Son…

This weekend, my son Adam spent it with me! WOW…he’s finally decided to spend a bit of time with his Mom! Well, first off, Dad went away for little holiday with his now girlfriend…they went to Savannah, GA
Well, first off, he had a scrimmage game at James Island on Friday, I thought he said to get him at school at 630pm…i got there a bit early and there were cars, but no bus…waited and decided to go home and text him to call me when they got there…time went to like 8.30pm in the evening, no phone call, or any text messages!! Called the house, and Mark (the ex) answered and ask where is he? That’s when he said he still should be at the game as it didn’t’ start till around 5.30 or 6pm!! They played James Island HS. Okay a bit of mis-communication from either my son, Adam or I…no matter, I was not anxious or worried…well a little later, he calls me and says “Mom come get me”…picked him up, got his stuff from his house and proceeded to go to my house, he was all sweaty, and they won the game!! That was nice and he started and told me how many blocks and fumbles… he’s got the bruises to prove it.. I do still worry, when he plays football, as it a dangerous sport! I think anyways…but he’s really good! I’ve seen him play!
So just have to tell him to wrap up tight and make sure his knees are wrapped good as well as his ankles, yes, he’s been hurt and I want him to be protected….I pray every day that he is okay, this new semester is fast coming up soon and he’s been going to practice everyday as well as working during the summer break at BI Lo close to his house. I’m very proud of him and I know he will do well in school! He has plans for his future and I know that Football is one of them & college. It was a nice weekend and man this boy can eat!
I made dinner and it was healthy dinner, pork chop with spinach salad and peas and squash. That boy tore it down and still hungry! Had to go to Taco Bell for burrito and queso something….
He has a long day tomorrow, football practice all day! So, going to drop him off at school by 7.30am and his Dad pick him up later that evening. My baby is growing up… i remember when he just started to walk, talk…*sighs*
Oh, we went shopping for a certain type of Book bag and he got a certain type of Croc shoes, which is really a comfy shoe, I might get one, as I am on my feet alot…when I have a few extra $$!
Well, am off to bed now, my son the athlete is already asleep! He gets at least 8 hrs of sleep…he has grown, I remember a little boy who wont’ eat his veggies, but this boy is healthy! Drinks lots of water….am impressed!
Enough of me bragging…oh, I need to take more pic, but he likes to make faces…so will have to post it another time…he’s my handsome boy… :o) can’t you tell, am crowing with pride.. its must be in the my genes….hehehehe