Ohhh to be RICH!
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Okay, found this article in Yahoo which was written By Prashant Gopal, Businessweek.com and thought it would be an interesting read. Just wondering, how many of you ever wondered as how it would feel to be rich, where you didn’t have to worry about money?
Where you can buy anything that you see and want?
Yes, there are people who can and some of us just dreamed of being one of them. We either wish on a falling star or get lucky and win the BIG LOTTO!
This particular small town median average price of buying a home is approximately $2.2 million…go figure!
From summer resorts to wealthy suburbs, a look at the most expensive small towns in the U.S.
Residents of America’s most expensive small town get by without a chain store or even a traffic light. The town has one gas station, an elementary school, a community center, a general store, dairy and vegetable farms, and some restaurants and inns that open during the warm seasons…Read More