PNoy Education Reform Receives Commitment Of Support

Well, its about time that they get some kind of support of trying to get the children that are not able to be educated. I applaud all that is involve with PNoy and continue great success for the next generation of Philippines. Education is key and we come together as one, we will all succeed become one day not be known as poverty ridden 3rd world country…but RICH in knowledge and Culture!
See below story – of which was published from Gel’s FB! Thanks Ms Gel.. love all that you do! You’re an ACE! <3
MANILA, Philippines – A cable channel with an advocacy for education has extended its support for the Aquino government’s proposed reforms in the Philippine education system.
The Knowledge Channel Foundation, Inc. (KCFI), a non-stock, non-profit organization that operates the Knowledge Channel, vowed its all-out support to the education reform agenda by offering its 4-Point Initiative for Education as a major public-private partnership for basic education.
During the President’s US state visit, KCFI through a commitment letter, said that the organization’s aim is to address perennial learning and resource gaps using educational media.
The Knowledge Channel added that they are willing to provide expertise in educational media content development and production using various formats across on-air, online and on-the-ground platforms.
The KCFI’s 4-Point Initiative for Education aims to use the power of media and technology to improve basic education and focuses on the key target groups of elementary and high school students, day care centers and pre-school, technical vocational schools and out-of-school and adult learners.