PowerShot A580 – Canon

Okay, today was a surprise kinda day for me…first work was a busy day as usual…hubby came and picked me up after he work with a client at MP (Mt Pleasant)..I though we were going home to make something for dinner…drove thru the mall and turned left…it looked like we were going to our usual hang out for happy hour – Noisy Oyster.
Then suddenly he turn the other way and we were at Applebees!! Had a great dinner and they offer some great specials for one great price – starts at $9.99 – you get an appetizer, entree and dessert!!
Okay, now am rambling…well after we ate, we were talking about the camera we saw at Radio Shack (had to get a special tool for a job he is doing for another client)…well i just said if you think we can afford it, get it!
So off we went to Circuit City first to compare and see what else they have on offer…we saw the same camera but for more money – went back to Radio Shack…ok…guess y’all guessed, we got the camera…now he has one and I got one…so you can now keep a look out for pics that I’ve taken with my Canon A580 – its a handy little camera….