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Internet Radio feel silent today in protest to the bill that is waiting at the senate floor for the internet radio stations to be shut down….it will be silent world if the big corporate world of big bucks get their way… the independent internet radio stations around the world will no longer be… Why is it being targeted to the small business that some are there for playing songs that you won’t hear on FM stations as they play over and over songs that is Top 40!! We as American people have to right to listen to whatever music we prefer and be able to play…we are not arguing that we won’t pay, we will pay like the satellite stations a percentage of 7%…its also an avenue for all the talent musicians that other wise the big record company won’t listen…Please go to Save Internet Radio and call your Senator/Congressman to help support the Internet Radio Equality Act, S. 1343 in the Senate and H.R. 2060 in the house of reps….we need all your support.

NAB Radio is now silent, its such a lonely place to not able to listen to some great music…

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