Sister Teresita Castillo

Now, today is my Dad’s anniversary of his death and I am praying for him in remembrance and look to him for support as well as Mom as I know they are together now. I lost both parents shy of year apart and we miss them very much… I got an interesting email from our family mailing list (we are huge family – to keep in touch) and thought to share this story – in doing a bit of research, found this story of Sister Teresita Castillo who like the children in Fatima, she saw the appartion of the Holy Mother and of course, the church said it was hoax, now you know why I have a problem with big churches and I feel that don’t need to be in church to worship the holy father but he is with you always, all you need is talk to him… but I wanted to share this with you…. To My Dad, I miss you and Love you very much and I know that Mom is with you as with the rest of the family that has gone past… We know you’re watching over us… love you Dad, Mom!
Sunday, November 22, 2009
The Trials of Sr. Teresita Castillo
“Meditate on this and see how much the Mother and Son worked and suffered together to save the world.”
-Message of BVM to Sr. Teresita Castillo, 18 Sep. 1948, on the meeting at Calvary
Among the many mystical experiences attributed to Sr. Teresita Castillo during her days at Lipa Carmel, few stand out as much as her reported encounters with the Evil One, in holy ground, no less. But there are others, positive ones, as well. For more….Click here