This is sad to hear that we have to differentiate to two groups – Fil-AM and FOB? Now, I’ve never heard of FOB? Can someone tell me what that means? I can say that I am an American as I grew up in California, went to school hear and serve my country in the US NAVY! But I have never forgotten my heritage… I am proud to be a Filipina – and support any groups that will help our country (Philippines) to be a much better country and one day!! Why do have to be fight among ourselves? Aren’t we all equal? no matter. If you really want to get down to it, I can tell you my heritage – my Dad’s family origin is from Spain and my Mom’s origin is from Germany, and Ireland – both sides of the family seemed to migrate to the Philippines! I celebrate my heritage proudly and will show it… and I do understand that there are other filipinos out there that are “jealous” of my heritage as we are called a name “mestiza” – for me we are all one and the same! I can’t help that there some that don’t like it.. that’s is not my problem that is theirs. 🙂
Any feedback is truly appreciated on your thoughts! 😀