The 5 Steps to Manifesting Intentions

The 5 Steps to Manifesting Any Intention
1. Decide on ONE THING you want to attract to you and be SPECIFIC. Do you want a new job? What kind of job? Do you want more money? How much money? Do you want more peace in your life? Just pick one goal or desire that you would like to manifest. Remember to pick something that you are passionate about and fully desire.
2. Write it down on a piece of paper! Did you know that 90% of people don’t write down their desires, and that 90% of people have great difficulty manifesting what they want? It’s true! So describe the goal in as much detail as possible. Be very specific. For instance, “I want a new career internet marketing where I make at least $5,000 a month and work with authentic, supportive and fun people!”
3. Now state your intention in an affirming sentence which is written in present tense. An example of a sentence could be “I am now earning $150,000 a year in sales and loving it!!”. Write this sentence on a post-it or note card. Then post it different places at work and at home where you can read it often such as on your bathroom mirror, or on your computer.
4. Repeat this sentence out loud every morning (7 to 10 times). FEEL and VISUALIZE it, experience it as if it’s already happened! This sets a deeper intention in your subconscious mind, and creates a heighten sense of awareness and purpose towards manifesting this result.
5. Repeat step #4, trust its on its way and let it go! Breathe as if you could do this exercise for an eternal period of time and have no anxiety about when or where it will happen. If you want to sky-rocket your vibration, listen to the manifesting meditation below everyday until you have manifested your goal!